About Me

Hello!!! I’m Leslie

I believe you are beautiful – and my need to convince you of that, is why I am a hair stylist.

Let me explain…..

In 1981 I was 13 years old.  The Go Go’s video was playing on MTV and I was at my first slumber party.  My girlfriend, Lisa called out, “I wish I had that haircut!” The next thing I remember, we were all squeezed into her bathroom and I was standing behind Lisa with a pair of orange-handled scissors and a pile of her blonde wavy hair covering my feet.  I watched Lisa jump up and down on her bed excitedly chanting “I love my hair!” and in that moment I knew what I wanted to do the rest of forever—– I wanted to make people see they are beautiful, and I knew I could do that through styling hair.

It seems like such a silly thing… make someone see their beauty by just doing their hair.  But it happens, all the time. You feel like a completely different person when you have great hair – Like an “in-charge-take-no-prisoners-I-can-do-anything-I-want” kind of feeling. I love that hair has that kind of power, because it’s so easy to change over and over again.

Once, I had a long-time client in my chair tell me she had never actually felt pretty until after I stared doing her hair…. What??? I couldn’t believe what she was saying.  She had a great family, fantastic husband and a very good life, but she said she only stared feeling honestly pretty after I started doing her hair.  I always thought she was beautiful.  I can’t imagine she never saw that.  She thanked me and I was blown away.  How fantastically awesome it was to be a part of someone realizing their beauty – There were no words.  That is why I love being a hair stylist.

I am so lucky to be a part of so many beautiful women’s life.  They trust me with their hair – and I am truly honored.