Color Levels Explained

Color Levels Explained

What are hair color levels?? Basically, hair color level refers to how light or dark the hair color is. Standard hair color levels are defined on a scale of 1 ( the darkest black) to 10 (the lightest blonde) The level of color has nothing to do with the tone of the hair.  You can […]

Grow your hair faster – These 10 steps will help

Grow your hair faster – These 10 steps will help

10 Steps to Grow Your Hair Faster Practice the art of letting “grow”. On average, hair grows about a half an inch per month.  It takes about a year to earn the length of a dollar bill. Take a little off the bottom. Trimming your hair does actually help.  Although, nothing you do to the […]

Hair Lightening 101

Hair Lightening 101

  Nearly 1/3 of women over 18 color their hair.  Over half of those chemical loving ladies make their natural color lighter.  Very few know how that happens, nor do they care.  Which is sad, really. I think you should know how your hair grows out of your head the color it does, and what […]